"Here ,when I watch the time go by",,,,Fame,,,"Starmaker",,,a song that was born long ago and modified to express the feelings of a group of actors saying goodbye to a dying man,,,,a man they loved,,, and it showed. You could feel it ,,,
Hearing and being allowed to share a sentiment that was this pure and got expressed with all of ones soul and heart gave me and still gives me goosebumps.
That song makes me sad in a way but it also makes me ecstaticly happy and I don't need headphones to shut out the world,,,I hear the song inside me, as if there was nobody around ,,,not even me .
It's like something is bubbling up inside of me,,,bursting to get out,,,it starts way deep, way down. It rises up till it reaches a lil spot behind my ears and it burns there. Ever felt the skin at the back of ya neck thingle? Some songs do that to me and I'm gratefull,,,to be able to feel that, I'm so lucky,,,
Sometimes the things we do,turn out bigger and sort of amazing. They start to lead a life of their own as if they get a soul.
The painting of the sunflowers, by Van Gogh, makes me feel summer.
Summer is a season,,,the word marks a period of time in a year,,,but the 'feeling of summer'?
I remember the summers when I was a kid,,,we lived, all of us, five kids and mom and dad on a little farm,,,,we had one cow eh,some calfs,,,lots of rabbits,,,mmmh,,I can recall one chicken and some turkeys but most of all we had time,,,,
Time to be a kid,,,to run in the fields,,,to work in the hay,,,yes, we worked,,,but it never felt as working.
We had time to sit in the sun and feel the hot fur of the cats snoozing beside ya,,,
I recall the summer my oldest brother, about sixteen at the time, got an old car. He worked on the old bag of rust with my dad till it actually started and he drove up and down the meadow,,around the old plum tree, proud as a peacock.
We had pretty good voices in those days,,,we had to call'm when the 'Tour de France' was on tele eh,,,and ya could hear us " Andréééeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" cause ya had to shout over the terrible rumble of the old motor eh,,,I think the whole neighbourhood set his clock on our yelling : time to take a break ,watch the finish,with a beer .
The larks were high up in the sky,,,the sky was as blue as the eyes of my mother smiling,,,and the warmth of those days were not only the weather,,,it was all of us together,,,and us kids didn't have a care in the world. Life was easier,,,say what ya want,,,it was.
That was summer and Van Goghs' yellow sunflowers bring that back to me,,,,and the song , expressing the warmth and love for a co worker that was a friend ,,,gives me the same wonderful feeling to be thankful to be alive .
And I hope the same for you all,,,