Monday, October 1, 2007


It's been ages since I been in here,,,,life got in the way,like it so often does for so many people. Meanwhile the summer is walking ,with dignity, i admit but defo walking to the next year,,,where she might pop up and then again might not.
It wasn't much of a summer in Belgium,,,some warm days but i missed the warmth that goes right through your skin and settles in your bones,,,that through and through feeling of being warm and strong.
Fall seems to start gloomy,,,with cloudy days,,,grey and no outspoken statement : the leafs are still green,,,except for some that - the papers say - is the fault of a lil tiny butterfly.
That brave lil one ventured up north,,,found a ton of food and a rather mild, wet summer.
The fruit of the loins of the butterfly is now eating away at stems and leaves ,,,playing Jack Frost,,,who was responsable for the colorful fall before. There's been no summer,,there's no fall,,,ya know, I almost long for a real tough cold winter,,,with snow and freezing temps and red noses ,,,,,but still ,,be careful what ya wish for Fox : your hair turned white,,,so that might be snow enough for ya,,,,think of the birds,,,the people and be happy with a wet winter,,,less dangerous for all.
Caravan radio has been keeping me busy,,,it's a thrill though,,,it's exciting and new,,,but it's getting a drug too. I always knew music was very important in my life,,,I can't imagine what it is to be deaf,,,and not hear the perfect sound of a violin,,,or a voice that booms with happiness ,,,the dance ya hear in it,,,the joy,,,the pain sometimes,,,the color of a voice tells me more than a face or eyes.
I notice the voice first ,,,not the eyes or the smile.
And radio is all about sounds,,,it's more a part of your life than television or a movie ya see in the cinema,,,,You come home and you turn on the sounds,,,,and the room fills itself with life,,,you don't feel alone,,,somebody is there, talking,,,playing music and it is like it's just for you.
When my good friend , Rogue,who is a great dj on Caravan radio,,,brought up the idea of me being a dj,,,I hesitated,,,not because the timeconsuming factor,,,heck ,time is something i'll never have but always will make,,,He told me about the intense feeling of playing music for people ,,,making them smile and I saw his joy,,,so I took lil steps and yes,,,as often,,,he was right ! For a man with less patience than a clock that runs 10 mins forward,,,he sure has the rare ability to wait for my heart and soul and brain to grasp an idea and make it mine.
It was like that time when I was pondering about having the radio in my chatroom,,,I doubted too,,,That chatroom is very ,very precious to me,,,cause it's not just a place,,,a screen where ya type words,,,it's a home,,it's people,,,friends,,,and talking to them,,,listening to them, is a big part of my life that I cherish.
But the radio ,the music, the fun music brought us ,is something i couldn't imagine,,,it is so good. So, I'm glad I did agree when DJ Nomad , another of our wonderful DJ's,,,the heart and soul of Carvan,,,asked me to add the music to our chat.
And Caravan radio is growing,,,it's going great,,,and my friends like it,,,dance to it,,,and enjoy it,,,so it's good ,,,it's better then before.
And although the summer might be gone and the world looks as if it's going to sleep ,,like it's going into hibernation,,,,life moves on,,,on the tunes of a song that brings a warm ,cosy breeze,,,caresses your skin and makes ya warm right into the core of your bones.

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