Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The move

Picture within a frame, closed in as her view became.
All directions blocked, not by walls but by the sheer endlessness of countless open roads, too many to choose from. She walked those paths before but they looked new. She had so little time, she needed to go somewhere, to find something she lost.
But every time she tried another one, all excited, expecting to find old friends; she kept returning to the crossroad where she got lost. She found herself holding the empty frame and the pain in her chest almost killed her, over an over. Untill there was no more pain as she stepped over the threshold into the bubble. The frame kept her illusions safe and her mind captured.
Memories, detailed as black and white photographs, visited her and lingered, made her world a sweet dream that was real, embracing her longing, her searching and she escaped willingly, for a while, longer each time.
There was the red brick stones that felt warm against her smooth skin, when she watched the sunset over the creek and the pinetrees. There were the dew drops on the ivy, stubborn and sneaky, creeping back across the bedroom window, in spring. The laughter of her son, the heavy bark of Fellow, announcing visitors. The summerdays,,, the sunglows, the turnsoles, the daisies,,,she so loved the bright yellow. She never liked the roses, proud and posh, but they were his and so she bowed to them while she poured water on their roots. Their heads turned as to follow her as she walked away, but she didn't see,,,
There was the picture within a frame, of cotton sheets bleached by the autumn sun; sheets on their bed, all wrinkled and smelling of him, lit by the moonlight, looking at her.
She knew she couldn't stay, they didn't have to tell her, although they tried, gently, with soft loving words.
The crowsnests inside her head made the thoughts fly in and out, brought forgotten moments and got her lost in time. She was tempted to stay, so often.
Life had not been easy, but it was now, with all those silly little things that made her smile.
She saw his face, touched it eagerly with both hands and called him by his name.
"Robert" she said " You didn't shave, but there is still time, I will get you soap and water." "Robert, why are you crying?" as she didn't see her sons face with his fathers hazelbrown eyes.
She walked through the empty rooms of their home, caressing the smooth surface of the kitchentable and smiled at the red curtains where they had that arguement over. Maybe a part of her knew that the walls were bare and that she wasn't holding her lovers hand,,,,she preferred her dreams as she saw the world within the frame, only.
She left there but she took the frame. She was happy.


Too late for the magpie but still,,,I dedicate it to the picture !

She felt warm and cosy for weeks, immersed in darkness although she didn't know that this was just the absence of light. She didn't care, didn't think; she just was. Yes, there was a strong feeling of being. She swam while she grew, very comfortable.

Then there was the sensation of touch, as subtle as a caress of butterfly wings on flower pedals. She wasn't alone!
Overjoyed and intrigued, she stirred more, stretching as a starfish, sprouting limps, reaching out. Overcome with a feeling of wellbeing, she moved on the tide, floating side by side and by side and by side.

The space they shared became smaller; walls, however flexible, closed in on them.
So many of them, wriggling, shoving, bumping into each other but somehow she knew there was her and there were the others. She sometimes curled up but more often pushed and poked to secure her spot, her own, determined to stay. One obstacle next to her didn't shove back...
She sensed movement inside it, a vibration that soothed her more than the rhythm of the other moving ones. She tried to make it budge for a while then she kept close to it and often held it. She used it to push the others back.

Suddenly the urge to push free became imminent and she began to struggle, instinctively she knew the direction towards to move. The walls contracted violently and the panic around her made her crawl back. But the body beside her, her comfort and solace was in the way!
For the first time the friendly lump seem to become an enemy not an ally. She tried however to cuddle up to it and felt the reassuring vibration so she stayed.

One of the others slid past her and then another,,, and yet one more,,,the one she held on to, for so long, did not. She was puzzled; she didn't want to leave it but she knew she would have to.
A cry welled up inside her and she pushed,,,,pushed as hard as she could; there was more room now the others left.
It moved with a sudden jerk and she followed it happily. She knew there had been no choice. She was not leaving it behind as it was hers.

" I count three, Dad; you think that's all of them?"
"I'm not sure, Peter, she's still at it, she might take her time with the next one."

The feeling of wellbeing returned. The pressure stopped. She was tired and in a way sad. She realized she missed out on something, a chance, a wonderful thing that should have happened.
And then she felt something move and knew it was him; her energy floated back and she jumped, turned around as to face her mate. They touched as for the first time, twirled slowly around, rubbing against each other and moving together ,,,they shared a dance,,,

" See, Peter, she's got more."
"Oh look,, Dad, Dad,,,there are two more,,two together,,,oh, they are so beautiful!"

The first feeling was freedom, the second one loneliness. She tumbled, felt something stroke her, hard and wet,,,,felt the sudden cold and cried. She got picked up, got scared, wriggled almost free,,,

" This is a feisty one, Dad, look, she is so beautiful!"
"Put her down, son, let her mom keep her warm"

And there he was, her buddy, she recognized him and held him.
There was more, something else to cuddle up against and there was, mmmmmmmh,,,,and she forgot all, sucking mothers nipple.

Days passed while the darkness changed in a pinkish light. She didn't care, she was happy.
Her buddy was bigger than the others and now, he was the one that pushed so they could feed together.

"You think they can see me, Dad?"
"They should about now, Peter, we'll leave the top door open, so they'll get used to the light"
"Won't Ally leave them Dad?"
"Not yet, she knows son, they need her close"

Then there was light,,, and there was a smell of unknown wonders. She didn't cry but yelped with joy and so did her brothers and sisters. The one beside her, the big one, didn't.
So she nudged him and bit his ear. He let her.

"They are so beautiful eh Dad? They are perfect! But I still like Daisy the best."
"They will be great dogs, friends and companions, Peter, all of them."
"I still like Daisy the best, Dad."
"Ok, we'll keep her, the big one needs a name too, the others we will sell, in a while."
"Ok Dad, I'll think about it."

Oct 20;2010